IHM Ranchi Launches Unique 2-Day Free Residential Program for NCHMCT JEE 2025 Preparation

In one of its kind initiatives IHM Ranchi has started offering free 2-day residential program for the aspirants of NCHMCT JEE 2025, which is a gateway to admission to prestigious IHMs across the country including IHM Ranchi. Each year Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is conducted by National Council for Hotel Management Catering Technology through National Testing Agency to offer admission in their flagship program B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration, a program recognised by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

The two days residential program is a novel initiative by any IHMs across India. Dr Bhupesh Kumar principal informed that it has been observed that many of the aspirants get anxious and nervous while preparing for the entrance test and some of the Pvt. Institutes/coaching centres lure them by offering preparation test series which is of a very substandard quality resulting into compromised confidence of the aspirant. Keeping this problem in mind, these 2 days residential program has been specially crafted to help candidates to overcome the fear and anxiety of entrance examination, thus instilling confidence to excel in the entrance test.

The enrolled aspirants shall be guided by expert faculties of IHM Ranchi having decades of experience in hospitality domain. The program is completely free of cost for all categories of aspirants i.e. the boarding, lodging and classroom inputs shall be taken care by the institution without charging a single penny from the aspirants. The program shall cover the syllabus of entrance examination covering subject like Numerical ability & Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning & Logical deductions, English Knowledge, General Knowledge & Current affairs and Aptitude for the service sector. The pilot program has been planned in 4 phases as per details below and based upon the response, future slots shall be announced by the institute. 

v 9-10th December 2024

v 12-13th December 2024

v 16-17th   December 2024

v 19-20th December 2024

Additionally, IHM Ranchi will continue to offer handholding support and guidance to all interested from commencement to culmination of the entire admission process. Principal, Dr. Bhupesh Kumar stated that such initiatives by a govt institution is a need of the hour to serve various strata of the society specially the economically weaker section. He emphasized that such initiative proves the testament of the institute and its commitment for a holistic support system to students in their pursuit of a successful career in the hospitality industry.

आईएचएम रांची ने NCHMCT JEE 2025 की तैयारी के लिए अनोखा 2-दिन का निःशुल्क आवासीय कार्यक्रम शुरू किया

आईएचएम रांची ने NCHMCT JEE 2025 के इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों के लिए एक अनोखा 2-दिन का निःशुल्क आवासीय कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है, जो देशभर के प्रतिष्ठित आईएचएम संस्थानों में प्रवेश का मार्ग है, जिसमें आईएचएम रांची भी शामिल है। हर साल राष्ट्रीय परिषद होटल प्रबंधन और खानपान प्रौद्योगिकी (NCHMCT) द्वारा संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा (JEE) का आयोजन किया जाता है, जो उनके प्रमुख कार्यक्रम B.Sc. इन हॉस्पिटैलिटी और होटल प्रशासन में प्रवेश के लिए होता है। यह कार्यक्रम जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त है।

यह दो-दिन का आवासीय कार्यक्रम देश के किसी भी आईएचएम द्वारा शुरू किया गया एक अद्वितीय पहल है। डॉ. भूपेश कुमार, प्रधानाचार्य ने बताया कि यह देखा गया है कि कई उम्मीदवार प्रवेश परीक्षा की तैयारी करते समय घबराए और चिंतित रहते हैं, और कुछ निजी संस्थान/कोचिंग सेंटर उन्हें तैयारी के टेस्ट सीरीज के नाम पर निमंत्रण देते हैं, जो गुणवत्ता में बहुत खराब होते हैं, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप उम्मीदवार का आत्मविश्वास कमजोर हो जाता है। इस समस्या को ध्यान में रखते हुए, यह 2-दिन का आवासीय कार्यक्रम विशेष रूप से उम्मीदवारों को प्रवेश परीक्षा के डर और चिंता को दूर करने के लिए तैयार किया गया है, ताकि वे आत्मविश्वास से परीक्षा में अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर सकें।

इस कार्यक्रम में नामांकित उम्मीदवारों को आईएचएम रांची के विशेषज्ञ शिक्षक मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करेंगे, जिनके पास आतिथ्य क्षेत्र में दशकों का अनुभव है। यह कार्यक्रम सभी श्रेणियों के उम्मीदवारों के लिए पूरी तरह से निःशुल्क है, अर्थात् बोर्डिंग, लॉजिंग और कक्षाओं का खर्च संस्थान द्वारा वहन किया जाएगा, और उम्मीदवारों से एक भी पैसा नहीं लिया जाएगा। इस कार्यक्रम में प्रवेश परीक्षा के पाठ्यक्रम को कवर किया जाएगा, जिसमें गणना क्षमता और विश्लेषणात्मक क्षमता, तर्कशक्ति और तार्किक निर्णय, अंग्रेजी ज्ञान, सामान्य ज्ञान और समसामयिक मामले, और सेवा क्षेत्र के लिए अभ्यस्तता शामिल हैं। इस पायलट कार्यक्रम को 4 चरणों में आयोजित किया जाएगा, जिनकी तिथियां इस प्रकार हैं:

  • 9-10 दिसंबर 2024

  • 12-13 दिसंबर 2024

  • 16-17 दिसंबर 2024

  • 19-20 दिसंबर 2024

इसके अतिरिक्त, आईएचएम रांची प्रवेश प्रक्रिया की शुरुआत से लेकर समापन तक सभी इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों को निरंतर मार्गदर्शन और समर्थन प्रदान करेगा। प्रधानाचार्य, डॉ. भूपेश कुमार ने कहा कि इस तरह की पहल एक सरकारी संस्थान द्वारा समाज के विभिन्न वर्गों, विशेष रूप से आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्गों की सेवा के लिए समय की आवश्यकता है। उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि इस तरह की पहल संस्थान की प्रतिबद्धता का प्रमाण है, जो छात्रों को आतिथ्य उद्योग में सफल करियर की ओर मार्गदर्शन देने के लिए एक समग्र समर्थन प्रणाली प्रदान करता है।


Accor and Handiwork join forces to promote the training and professional development of disabled people in the hotel industry

Accor, a global leader in hospitality, announces a partnership with Handiwork, an ESUS (French government-approved social enterprise) that provides training and support to disabled people in the workplace. This innovative partnership will lead to the roll-out of the HANDIWORK DÉCOUVERTE (Discovering Handiwork) program in a number of Accor hotels across France, ranging from economy to luxury, providing people from the sheltered sector with introductory training in the hospitality industry. 

An initial seven hotels kicked off the program in late 2024, including properties in Hauts-de-Seine (92), Toulouse and Le Havre, welcoming 28 trainees. In early 2025, the project will be extended to other cities, including Lyon and Bordeaux. Over a period of 10 months, the participants will be supported by a Handiwork training officer and will learn about the various roles in hospitality. The apprenticeship, which includes hands-on training and total immersion in Accor hotels, will ensure they acquire practical and empowering hospitality skills. At the end of the training, participants will receive a formal qualification detailing the skills acquired and they will also have the opportunity to pursue their professional journey within the Group.   

This partnership with Handiwork is a chance for us to further open the doors of our hotels and to play an active part in the training of participants. We are proud to offer these talented people a meaningful first professional experience, and to strengthen our commitment to an inclusive hotel industry,said Anne-Sophie Beraud, SVP Social Care & Impact, Accor. 

“Following our work in the Retail sector, we are extremely proud to be able to expand our “HANDIWORK DÉCOUVERTE” training and integration pathways to the Hospitality industry. The diversity of career paths offered within Accor Group’s many brands provide genuinely exciting opportunities for talent from the sheltered sector, seeking to enhance their professional development and make their way into the mainstream workplace,” said Lionel SATOUF, co-founder and CEO, Handiwork. 

Accor has long sought to foster an inclusive hospitality industry. In 2023, Accor launched a partnership with Simplon, an inclusive training organization focused on digital careers, to provide training to 14 people with disabilities in the role of App Designer & Developer. This work-based learning program offers 18 months of training as well as personalized support. The initial roll-out began in April 2024 following a six-month pre-selection process, marking the first successful stage of this partnership which will continue until October 2025. 

For the past seven years, Accor has been involved in DuoDay, a national day that its hotels and headquarters take part in to raise awareness of and promote the professional integration of disabled people. This year, 100 Duos were created, made up of disabled people and Accor employees, thus offering participants the opportunity to interact with our teams and learn about the Group and its career opportunities. This program, initially launched in France, has gradually been extended internationally to countries where the Group operates, becoming “Accor World DuoDays”.  

In partnership with local charities, not-for-profit organizations and schools, Accor Greater China has since 2016 been actively involved in organizing events to showcase careers in hospitality. Approximately 500 events have been organized over the past seven years, involving almost 8,400 disabled people and 25,000 employees. In 2022, Accor also organized a special day for young visually impaired people as part of the program, “Blind Empowerment 100-Day”, in partnership with the charity beYoureyeS. In 2023, the partnership was renewed with an event at the Pullman Shanghai Jing An, offering tailored training to introduce participants to careers in hospitality.

In North America, the Fairmont Tremblant and Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth began a partnership with Giant Steps, a Canadian NGO specialized in educating people with autism spectrum disorders and promoting the professional integration of autistic and neurodivergent adults. Launched in 2022, this pilot project led to the integration of 12 new staff members into hotel teams, supported by professional trainers from Giant Steps. These two hotels are the first in Canada to roll out this program, with the aim of extending it to other Fairmont hotels in the country, while in parallel providing a positive experience to autistic guests and their families. 

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IHG Launches Atwell Suites in Greater China

Alice Du, Chief Financial Officer, IHG Greater China; Ivan Chen, Vice President of Hotel Lifecycle & Growth, IHG Greater China; Kent Sun, Chief Development Officer, IHG Greater China; Daniel Aylmer, Chief Executive Officer, IHG Greater China; Jerome Qiu, Chief Operating Officer, IHG Greater China; Rita Jiang, Chief Commercial & Marketing Officer, IHG Greater China and Ying Ying Koh, Vice President, Franchise Performance and Holiday Inn Express, IHG Greater China (from left to right), attended the brand launch ceremony of Atwell Suites.

IHG Hotels & Resorts (IHG) launched its new exquisite lifestyle brand, Atwell Suites, in Greater China. Using “new territorial home” as the core design concept, Atwell Suites is dedicated to offering a high-quality experience for young guests seeking an exquisite lifestyle, and creating a living space with aesthetic value, emotional value and spiritual value. It also offers a new choice with excellent returns for hotel investors through a high premium and low cost business model.

Daniel Aylmer, CEO, IHG Greater China, said, "With years of in-depth insights in Greater China, we have witnessed the domestic hotel market enter a new era that is more professional and segmented. Aligning with the trends in market development, we launched the exquisite lifestyle brand, Atwell Suites, which not only enriches our brand portfolio in Greater China but also offers guests and investors more diverse options. This move further confirms our focus on the Greater China market. We hope that Atwell Suites will become a new growth engine for the group in China, further contributing to the high-quality development of the cultural tourism market."

Build a Stylish Life and Convey the Concept of Exquisite Lifestyle

With the post-90s and post-00s generations becoming the main force of hotel consumption, how to capture young guests has become a crucial task for hotel groups and brands. They have rich travel experience and prefer a relaxed and casual lifestyle, seeking diverse and personalized accommodation experiences. The new brand is tailored for young guests with an exquisite lifestyle and is committed to building a "new territorial home" for them, ensuring that each stay in the trip can not only feel familiar and comfortable like home, but also experience the surprise and pleasure beyond home.

The brand value of Atwell Suites is to inspire the journey. The open space layout, the embellishment of colors, the decoration of artworks, and the carefully designed high-quality daily necessities all create a sense of art in life, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the "stylish life". In different destinations, Atwell Suites combines different regional cultures to provide guests who come from afar or nearby with special dining and social spaces connected to the city atmosphere, lifestyle collection stores and offline cultural and artistic community activities from time to time. These allow Atwell Suites to integrate into the local culture and become an "inspiration habitat" for guests.

Atwell Suites adopts the "new territorial home" design concept, using natural warm earth color as the main color system, adding green plants and artwork decoration to create a comfortable and interesting multi-life field. The four brand hallmarks—living comfort, aesthetic lifestyle, smart home and local inspiration, make Atwell Suites a familiar and innovative living space.

  • The LIVING ROOM adopts an open interior layout centered around a one-stop service island that bridges the retail space and the welcome drink area. It uses soft partitions and greenery to create a layered space.

  • The name of the DINING ROOM B.N.B is composed of three signature foods, Baozi, Noodle, and Beer. The design of the dining room is focused on the social experience, creating a dynamic and relaxed atmosphere. The ingenious space layout connects the dining room to the city. In addition to the carefully crafted creative menu around Baozi, Noodle, and Beer, it also provides all-weather coffee and tea, turning the dining room into a new space to cater to the social preferences and slow life of today's young guests.

  • The RETAIL SPACE represents the life aesthetic of Atwell Suites and is dedicated to sharing an exquisite lifestyle with a wider audience. It collects independent designer brands, artist collaboration series, and quality products created by Atwell Suites. Upholding a sustainable philosophy, the RETAIL SPACE selects environmental products made from recycled or eco-friendly materials, and classic handicrafts that reflect local characteristics. These products not only look exquisite, but can also be used continuously in daily life, allowing guests to slowly taste the texture of life through these products.

  • The SOCIAL HUB provides a social leisure area with laundry and fitness functions, as well as seating, game consoles and other facilities to make the experience more comfortable.

  • The BEDROOM creates a warm and aesthetic home atmosphere through spatial layout and functional design. The leisure high bar offers a cozy private social space and work area, and the smart room system is equipped to meet the needs of modern young guests for technology and intelligent experiences.

Offer a Smart Investment that Generates Returns for Owners

The current hotel market has changed from high-speed growth to steady growth. According to Accenture's forecast, the average annual growth rate will reach 6.4% in the next 10 years. The domestic hotel market still shows great development potential and unlimited business opportunities. With its unique brand positioning, clear business investment model and strong customer base and operational support from IHG, Atwell Suites will become a pioneering brand in the domestic high-end selected service hotel market, opening a new track for hotel investment.

As the lifestyle brand from IHG, Atwell Suites not only hopes to make young guests "live well", but also hopes to make investors "earn well". After a year of product development, Atwell Suites has managed to maintain high quality while controlling the cost per room. Its high premium and low-cost investment advantage offers a new investment option for investors and owners, generating rich profits and returns.

Furthermore, based on the group's international perspective and local insights, IHG will provide comprehensive support and assurance to Atwell Suites investors from development to operations. Additionally, the 130 million active members of IHG® One Rewards worldwide provide a strong guest base and revenue guarantee for the hotel. Combined with IHG's mature global network, standardized brand operations, and stable management systems, Atwell Suites offers significant investment advantages. IHG's steady growth, superior brand recognition, and extensive hotel management experience in the Greater China market have also laid a solid foundation for the new brand's development in the region.

Kent Sun, Chief Development Officer of IHG Greater China, said: "After extensive market surveys for businesses and consumers, Atwell Suites has arrived in to meet the market's diverse needs, finally joining our brand family in Greater China. In the future, we hope to introduce Atwell Suites to the core business districts of first-tier and new first-tier cities. We look forward to partnering with more passionate and ideal investors to build an exquisite lifestyle hotel that emphasizes aesthetics and style, so that our guests can find their place of belonging and pursue their aspirations with enthusiasm."

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AluaSoul Costa Adeje, part of Hyatt’s Inclusive Collection, Debuts in Spain’s Canary Islands

The 226-room adults-only hotel, located on the southern coast of Tenerife, offers travelers the opportunity to explore local attractions and activities while enjoying the conveniences of an all-inclusive hotel.

Hyatt Hotels Corporation (NYSE: H) announced the opening of AluaSoul Costa Adeje in Tenerife. The opening further expands Hyatt’s brand presence in the Canary Islands and supports its continued commitment to providing more distinct options for guests and members seeking unique experiences.

“The debut of AluaSoul Costa Adeje strengthens Hyatt’s brand presence in the region, to meet the growing demands of travelers,” said Manuel Melenchón, managing director of South Region EAME at Hyatt. “Offering multiple accommodation options tailored to guest and member preferences, the new hotel provides a flexible experience in Europe, perfectly complementing the destination’s blend of relaxation, adventure and entertainment.”

As part of the Alua Hotels & Resorts brand within Hyatt’s Inclusive Collection portfolio, AluaSoul Costa Adeje offers guests the services of an all-inclusive hotel, with multiple boarding options designed to cater for every type of traveler. With its fresh, modern feel, the hotel is perfectly positioned for those seeking comfortable amenities for recharging after a day of exploring.

“Ideally located on the beautiful island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands, AluaSoul Costa Adeje boasts stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean with modern facilities, bright spaces and flexible options for guests to enjoy their ideal vacation experience,” said Elena María Hernandez, general manager of AluaSoul Costa Adeje. “The hotel is perfect for global travelers, providing modern accommodations designed with comfort in mind and tailored to meet the needs of every guest.”

As part of Hyatt hotels’ goals of supporting the local community, most renovation materials and furnishings have been locally sourced.

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TRIBE Reaches 20 Hotels Milestone, Bringing Modern Hospitality to Key Destinations Worldwide

TRIBE, a bold design-driven hotel brand from Accor, is excited to announce a key milestone – reaching 20 hotels around the globe. Each TRIBE address embodies the essence of contemporary living, offering spaces that are smart, stylish, and encourage social interaction. With over 40 additional hotels currently under development, including on the tropical paradise of Phuket and in Ho Chi Minh City, TRIBE's journey is just beginning, proving that modern hospitality can be both high-quality and accessible.

“Reaching 20 TRIBE hotels is just the beginning of our journey to redefine modern hospitality,” said Jean-Yves Minet, Global Brand President, Midscale & Economy at Accor. “TRIBE hotels are design-led spaces that are smart, stylish and comfortable, providing everything that guests need and nothing they don’t. Our designers focus on the things that really matter, creating vibrant and functional places to work, play, or relax, all at a great price. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on delivering innovative experiences, ensuring that TRIBE continues to embody contemporary living for modern travellers around the world.”

Halfway between standardisation and personalisation, the lifestyle segment is growing rapidly worldwide, fulfilling the wants and needs of the modern traveller seeking unique and innovative stays. 

“Accor recognised the growing demand for lifestyle-based hospitality and TRIBE more than delivers on this, providing investors and owners an appealing and modern offering for hotel development,” said Camil Yazbeck, Global Chief Development Officer, Premium, Midscale & Economy Division, Accor. “By blending local vibrancy with strong design credentials, TRIBE has carved out a distinctive space that attracts both travellers and locals seeking social experiences and stylish design. For partners and owners, TRIBE offers ADR premiums and optimised space planning, resulting in high GOP margins and ultimately increasing return on equity. Furthermore, TRIBE is also well-suited for hotel conversion opportunities, which supports Accor's and our partners' commitments to responsible growth and sustainable hotel development."

TRIBE Living Bangkok Sukhumvit 39, Thailand

Situated in the lively Sukhumvit district, TRIBE Living Bangkok Sukhumvit 39 is the ideal spot for those who want more from their stay – without the unnecessary extras. From the dynamic co-working areas to the 24-hour fitness centre, this TRIBE address offers everything that matters most to modern travellers. A true standout feature of the hotel is the Taco Hachi rooftop bar, located on the 27th floor. This bar’s layout maximizes the stunning views of Bangkok’s skyline, making it a highlight of the property’s design. The open-air setting, coupled with chic furnishings and ambient lighting, creates a relaxed atmosphere that’s perfect for sunset cocktails or evening gatherings. 

TRIBE Phnom Penh Post Office Square, Cambodia

Bordered by heritage buildings, the Mekong riverfront promenade, and the historic temple of Wat Phnom, TRIBE Phnom Penh Post Office Square offers a prime location in the Post Office Square District. The hotel offers an affordable design-driven alternative for a new generation of travellers. It is a combination of a hotel and social hub, where the common areas are designed as the focal point. The lobby lounge is filled with bold furniture statements, allowing a variety of uses for work, play, or socialise. The flexible co-working space invites locals and digital nomads to get their work done. Visitors can connect with the community over a seriously good coffee from local roasters and healthy bites from the 24-hour TRIBE EXPRESS. For a vibrant dining experience, the rooftop HEMISPHERE captivates with bold design, a lively atmosphere, and stunning city views.

TRIBE Bali Kuta Beach, Indonesia

Strategically located on the famous Kuta beach strip, TRIBE Bali Kuta Beach marries contemporary spaces and eclectic design, making it one of the island’s most stylish hotels. With views across the famous Kuta beach, the interiors are inspired by local crafts and designed to be as comfortable and functional as they are aesthetically-pleasing. Located on the ground floor, a cosy and stylish coffee shop by day transforms into a bar by night, alongside a curated Grab & Go stand offering fresh salads and a selection of local beverages available from day to night. The rooftop’s 360-degree restaurant and bar, Afterglow Bar & Kitchen, overlooks the infinity pool and sandy shore, allowing visitors to savour lite bites and local favourites, while enjoying a playlist of soulful sounds. 

TRIBE Paris Clichy, France

Located in the vibrant neighbourhood of Clichy, TRIBE Paris Clichy brings a fresh urban experience, offering guests a stylish yet comfortable retreat. With minimalist rooms flooded with natural light, TRIBE Paris Clichy emphasises comfort and simplicity, making it an ideal base for both business and leisure travellers. Guests can immerse themselves in the relaxed, welcoming atmosphere of the Social Hub, a dynamic space that serves as a coffee shop, coworking area, and cocktail bar throughout the day. The Tiki-inspired rooftop bar offers breathtaking views of Paris’s most iconic landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower and Sacré-Cœur, creating the perfect backdrop for enjoying a signature cocktail while taking in the energy of the city.

TRIBE London Canary Wharf, United Kingdom

TRIBE London Canary Wharf redefines modern hospitality with its intelligent design, sleek interiors, and practical functionality. Perfectly positioned in one of London’s most iconic districts, this TRIBE address provides a fresh space where guests can work, play, and relax without any unnecessary frills. The hotel’s design is bold and confident, offering co-working spaces, smartly designed rooms, and a café that evolves from day to night, catering to the needs of modern travellers. Guests love the high-end feel at a fair price, the thoughtfully curated amenities, and the way the hotel offers a polished, contemporary experience that doesn’t compromise on comfort.

With 20 hotels now in operation and over 40 more under development, TRIBE is poised to transform the hospitality landscape with its unapologetically modern approach. Each TRIBE address embodies the brand’s vision of offering intelligent, functional spaces that celebrate individuality, creativity, and connection. As the journey continues, TRIBE remains committed to delivering experiences that elevate everyday travel, proving that exceptional design, comfort, and value can coexist seamlessly. This is only the beginning, and TRIBE invites discerning travellers to join in exploring a world of bold, design-driven hospitality.

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World of Hyatt and Headspace Launch New Series to Help Travelers Find A Good Night's Sleep

Hyatt’s award-winning loyalty program, World of Hyatt, in collaboration with Headspace, the world’s most accessible and comprehensive mental health platform, today debuts a new exclusive video series, Headspace’s Science Behind Sleep, presented by World of Hyatt, extending care for guests and members by providing access to expert and science-backed tips on how to get better sleep while traveling. The new sleep series is available in guestrooms at nearly 400 Hyatt hotels and within the Headspace app beginning today, Nov. 14.

Three-in-four consumers say that sleep quality is the most important factor when traveling and are more likely to take advantage of amenities designed to improve their sleep, based on a recent survey* Hyatt conducted. Filmed at Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, Golf Club & Spa in Carlsbad, Calif., the series explores sleep’s vital role in maintaining our overall wellbeing both pre, during and post-trip through a science-based approach. Created in collaboration with World of Hyatt, led by Headspace’s Dora Kamau, Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher, and advised by renowned Sleep Expert and Psychologist, Dr. Aric Prather, each episode is infused with scientific research and tips for managing common sleep struggles.

Traveling can often stir a whirlwind of emotions – from the anticipatory thrill to the underlying stress of planning. These emotions can significantly impact travelers’ sleep once they reach their destination. The series explores practical scientific-backed steps travelers can take before and during their trips to seamlessly transition into a restful state, ensuring they can fully savor their trip or stay focused on their work projects without the interference of sleep troubles.

The series will take guests through five episodes:

Befriending Jet Lag – includes tips to handle circadian misalignment to lessen the impact of jet lag

Creating a Travel Bedtime Routine – provides suggestions to make new environments feel more like home to help with the transition process while traveling

Eat and Drink Smarter – mindful choices to make when traveling to protect your sleep and not interrupt your sleep cycle

Dealing with Night Time Wake-Ups – covers tools to help you get back to sleep for every scenario

The Power of Morning Sunlight – explores ways to naturally support your internal body clock using the sun and boosting your overall wellbeing

“Traveling, whether for business or pleasure, brings with it a range of emotions, including excitement, anxiety and stress, all which can affect our sleep quality,” says TJ Abrams, Vice President of Global Wellbeing, Hyatt. “To ensure guests and members are feeling their best, no matter where they lay their heads, the video series is designed to help our guests, members, customers and colleagues on their wellbeing journeys.”

Travelers can check out the first episode of the new series on Hyatt’s YouTube Channel today and guests and members will have access to the entire series on guestroom TVs across nearly 400 participating Hyatt hotels.

“Through the synergy of Headspace's expertise in sleep hygiene and scientific insights, combined with Hyatt's commitment to world-class hospitality and guest wellbeing, together, we're uniquely positioned to help guests unlock the secrets to their best sleep yet,” said Emma Nemtin, Head of Consumer Partnerships and Distribution at Headspace. “We hope that Hyatt guests learn useful tips with each video and are able to apply them to their daily lives and sleep routines to better their mental health and wellbeing.”

Hyatt and Headspace’s industry-leading collaboration began in 2019, to make mindfulness exercises, guided meditations and sleep content more accessible to guests, World of Hyatt members and customers, as well as for global Hyatt colleagues who have access to a complimentary Headspace subscription. In 2023, Hyatt and Headspace continued to expand their offerings with premium colored noise content. Available via the World of Hyatt app and in-room televisions at select properties across the U.S., Canada and Mexico, guests, members and colleagues can enjoy a complimentary sampling of relaxing sounds from Headspace’s premium colored noise collection to help them drift off, relax or focus.

In addition to guests, members and colleagues, Hyatt is extending its purpose of care to help enhance sleep routines, Hyatt is also providing complimentary, one-year subscriptions to Headspace to support non-profit organizations, including Salt & Light Coalition Chicago, ReStore NYC, University of Maryland Safe Center for Human Trafficking Survivors, Safe House Project, BEST Alliance and Survivor Alliance.

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Marriott International Announces 100th Property in Japan with the Opening of Four Points Flex by Sheraton Osaka Umeda

Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) reached a significant milestone in Japan today with the opening of its 100th property in Japan - Four Points Flex by Sheraton Osaka Umeda. This event also marks the inaugural debut of the Four Points Flex by Sheraton brand in Asia Pacific excluding China alongside global investment firm KKR, underscoring Marriott’s continued commitment to the midscale segment.

This milestone is further celebrated by the anticipated opening of twelve additional Four Points Flex by Sheraton properties across Japan this year, which will also mark the company’s entry to key cities such as Morioka and Kanazawa. In collaboration with global investment firm KKR, this conversion-friendly expansion is expected to see a total of 14 properties join the brand in Japan through early 2025, adding over 3,600 rooms to Marriott’s growing portfolio across prominent destinations including Hakodate, Utsunomiya, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, and Hakata.

In these markets, Four Points Flex by Sheraton hotels are found in locations within easy reach of public transit and city centers and offer guests traveling for work or leisure a friendly and efficient stay. Designed for the value-conscious consumer, the brand focuses on the fundamentals with principles of reliability, simplicity and value in both the design and guest experience, offering clean, comfortable rooms that include essential amenities, complimentary Wi-Fi and a local breakfast option. The hotels will provide guests with the genuine, welcoming service that Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of brands is renowned for, delivering an effortless and relaxing experience at an affordable price.

“We are thrilled to announce the opening of our 100th property in Japan and introduce the Four Points Flex by Sheraton brand to Asia Pacific through this strategic transaction with KKR” said Anthony Capuano, President and CEO, Marriott International. “With 22 of our brands now present across 30 prefectures, Japan continues to be a dynamic growth market for us, making it the perfect place to continue expanding in the affordable midscale segment. As a world-renowned travel destination, Japan offers tremendous opportunities for us to expand into new segments, catering to the evolving needs of both domestic and international travelers.” 

Kensuke Kudo, Managing Director, Real Estate, at KKR, said, “As demand for midscale hotels scales alongside rising international and domestic tourism in Japan, we expect the need for high-quality and comfortable accommodation at great value will continue to increase. We are pleased to collaborate with Marriott to bring the Four Points Flex by Sheraton brand to Asia, adding to our hospitality portfolio in Japan and globally. We look forward to leveraging our global real estate investment and operational expertise and Marriott’s heritage in creating outstanding hospitality experiences to deliver quality, affordable and enjoyable hotel stays for travelers in Japan.”

Four Points Flex by Sheraton is part of Marriott’s award-winning Marriott Bonvoy® loyalty program, with over 219 million members worldwide. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. With Marriott Bonvoy®, guests can enjoy seamless experiences, exclusive member rates and access to unique experiences that enrich their travels, ensuring that every stay is not just a visit, but a memorable journey.

As part of a series of planned openings across Japan from now through early 2025, the Four Points Flex by Sheraton properties expected to debut include:

  1. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Osaka Umeda (opened)

  2. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Nagoya Station

  3. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Osaka Shinsaibashi

  4. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Kanazawa

  5. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Shin Osaka

  6. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Yokohama West

  7. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Kobe Sannomiya

  8. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Osaka Kitahama

  9. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Kyoto Oike

  10. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Utsunomiya

  11. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Hakodate Station

  12. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Morioka

  13. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Osaka Honmachi

  14. Four Points Flex by Sheraton Fukuoka Hakata

Unwrap a Season of Festive Bliss with THE OZEN COLLECTION

This holiday season, ring in joy with THE OZEN COLLECTION’s festive offer with up to 25% off on direct bookings at https://theozencollection.com/offers. This fabulous offer extends to all bookings made for the hotel’s two private islands in the Maldives, OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI and OZEN LIFE MAADHOO. 


With 95 luxurious villas and residence along with eight diverse dining outlets, and rejuvenating ELE|NA spa treatments, OZEN LIFE MAADHOO is the epitome of sophisticated luxury and heartfelt hospitality. This festive season, immerse yourself in holiday joy with activities like Christmas ball painting, a tree-lighting ceremony, seasonal stress relief workshops, beach volleyball, and a special Christmas lunch. As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, join the exclusive Ice and Fire Fête, a stunning event with gourmet cuisine, icy cocktails, fiery performances, and unforgettable entertainment, including a fly board show, fireworks, and on-stage entertainment.


For those seeking privacy and seclusion, OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI offers 90 private villas and RESERVES, five unique dining venues, beautifully curated wellness experiences, and the Maldives’ largest kids’ club, along with an exceptional wine selection featuring over 101 labels from around the world. Experience the magic of Christmas under the enchanting “Carnival of Elegance” theme with events such as DJ nights, gingerbread house making, water gun fight, water polo, Christmas Karaoke, Festive Market and a visit from Santa, and more. Ring in the New Year with fun activities like Beach Boot Camp, Wish Jar Making, Face Painting, Sunset Yoga and more. 

Choose THE OZEN COLLECTION this Christmas and New Years for an opulent stay, rejuvenating spa with ELE|NA Spa, luxurious entertainment, 24 hours butler service, gourmet cuisine and expertly crafted cocktails.

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Uber rolls out Uber Shikara to delight travelers in Srinagar

Experience the magic of Dal Lake by pre-booking Shikara rides through the Uber App during busy holiday season

Srinagar, Dec, 2024 – Keeping with its promise to provide mobility to masses through various modes, Uber today launched Uber Shikara, giving tourists an option to pre-book their boat rides on the Dal Lake through the Uber app. The limited-period product will help tourists pre-book their Shikara rides through the Uber app in advance so that they are all set to enjoy the scenic beauty of Dal Lake in Srinagar during the upcoming busy holiday season.

As part of this initiative to promote tourism in the picturesque region, Uber will not charge any fee on Shikara rides booked through its app. The entire amount will go to the Shikara drivers, creating additional economic opportunities for the grassroot tourism workers in J&K. Each Uber Shikara ride can be booked for a period of 1 hour, allowing up to 4 passengers. Uber Shikara rides can be booked 12 hours prior and up to 15 days in advance.


Commenting on the launch, Prabhjeet Singh, President, Uber India & South Asia said, "At Uber, we are always looking to make mobility magical and effortless. Uber Shikara is our humble attempt to blend technology and tradition to give a seamless experience to travellers for their Shikara ride. We are proud to create this iconic experience enhancing accessibility and uplifting tourism in the breathtaking landscape of Kashmir.”

Uber Shikara introduces the convenience of pre-booking through Uber Reserve, allowing travelers to plan their rides in advance. This feature is aimed at helping travelers enjoy the beauty of Jammu & Kashmir to its fullest without worrying about last-minute arrangements.

With just a few taps on the Uber app, riders can secure their ride, sit back, and let the tranquil waters of Dal Lake add to the magic of their journey.

 In a first for the iconic rides on the Dal Lake, Uber introduced trip insurance for all Uber Shikara rides, ensuring that every journey offers travellers complete peace of mind as they take in the breath-taking beauty of Srinagar, as the valley opens its doors for the winter travel season.


How to book an Uber Shikara ride:

●        Open the latest version of the Uber app (check for updates on App Store/Play Store)

●        Select start and end points as ‘Shikara Ghat No 16’ from the ‘Where to’ bar

●        Select Uber Shikara

●        Select time and date (available only during 10 am to 5 pm)

●        Select Uber Shikara

●        Confirm pick up location (Ghat 16)

●        Click “Book” and you’re set to enjoy the Uber Shikara experience at the Dal Lake

 About Uber

Uber’s mission is to create opportunity through movement. Since 2013, we’ve revolutionized mobility in India with cars, autos, bikes, and buses, helping millions of riders get where they need to go. Today, Uber is available in over 125 cities across India, connecting people to seamless travel options and helping over 1,000,000 Indians earn a sustainable income. From everyday commutes to once-in-a-lifetime journeys, we’re committed to reimagining the way the world moves, and bringing people closer to the moments that matter.

Relaxation, Family Travel, and Exploring New Destinations to Define Travel Next Year – Agoda Shares Seven Travel Trends for 2025

New Delhi, December 2024 - Digital travel platform Agoda has unveiled its 2025 Travel Trends survey, highlighting the key factors set to shape the travel landscape in Asia in the coming year. The survey reveals a strong focus on relaxation, family-oriented trips, and the excitement of discovering new destinations as primary motivations for travellers.

Agoda's findings indicate that travellers are prioritizing quality time with loved ones and seeking respite from daily routines. The survey also underscores the growing interest in exploring uncharted territories. Noteworthy is the popularity of theme parks, with one in eight respondents expecting to go on a trip to visit one.

Ittai Chorev, Chief Product Officer at Agoda, said, "At Agoda, we love seeing how travellers are planning their adventures for 2025. Whether it's unwinding with family or exploring new places, we're here to make every traveller's dream trip memorable and are ready to help them every step of the way."

Seven key insights from Agoda’s 2025 Travel Trends survey:

The more the merrier: Traveling with family tops the list

For many travellers, family time equals quality time. More than a third of travellers (34%) plan to travel with family in 2025. Indonesians are the most fervent family travellers of all, with no less than 58% expecting to go on a multi-generational trip with loved ones. Indians follow closely with 30% opting for family trips. This trend is followed by couples (23%), and solo travellers (19%) in terms of most popular travel groupings across Asian travellers.

Easy does it: Relaxation is the top travel motivation, by far

Escaping from the hustle and bustle of daily life is by far the most important reason to travel, according to the survey. 75% of respondents cited relaxation as their most important travel motivation. For Indians, this is the leading travel motivation with 80% of the respondents expressing their desire for relaxation when on vacation. Regionally, visiting family and friends follows in second (38%), with cultural exploration in third (35%).

Computer says ‘yes’: Tech assisting in travel planning

Technology is playing a pivotal role in shaping travel plans. A substantial majority of travellers (80%) plan to use travel apps, while about one in eight (12%) are interested in virtual reality tours. Indian travellers appear to be most tech-savvy, with nine out of ten respondents claiming the use of travel apps when booking a trip.

Travel For Less: Journey more, spend smart 

Budget considerations remain a key factor, with a significant portion of travellers (65%) planning to spend less than $250 (INR 21,073) per night on accommodation. 70% of Indian travellers consider budget availability to be the most important factor when planning a trip. But price is not a barrier to international travel - 87% of travellers expect to take the same number of trips or more compared to 2024, with most of those journeys crossing borders (52%).

In and Out of Office: Traveling on and off the clock

In addition to traditional business trips, which 28% of respondents expect to embark on, the survey also picked up on the emergence of digital nomads, borderless workers who work remotely. 1 in 25 expects to work remotely in 2025, with a focus on combining work and leisure, as more companies adopt flexible work arrangements. Most prospective digital nomads in the region are from the Philippines, where one in fourteen travellers expect to work while traveling.

#Inspiration: Many ways to discover new destinations

There’s nothing quite as exciting as exploring a place for the very first time. 84% of travellers expect to visit new destinations in 2025. Travel inspiration can come from many sources including personal interests and hobbies (71%), great value deals (56%), and recommendations from friends and family (33%). One in five (20%) gets their travel inspiration from social media. 28% of Indians consider loyalty programs and value deals an important factor when planning trips. This trend is reflective of the growing collaboration between banks, credit card companies, and travel platforms to offer better deals in the Indian market seen this year. Agoda also brings exclusive deals to customers of ICICI Bank, IDFC, HSBC, and Bank of Baroda, making travel more rewarding than ever.

Life is a rollercoaster: Theme Parks are a reason to travel

Asia’s many theme parks - Disney in Tokyo, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, Lotte World in Seoul, Universal in Osaka and Singapore, Ferrari World in Abu Dabhi, to name a few – are a major draw for year-round tourism. Over one in eight travellers (13%) expect to travel specifically to visit a theme park in 2025.  The UAE and Singapore are among the most popular destinations for Indians seeking thrilling theme park experiences. With attractions like rollercoasters and amusement rides, these destinations have captured the interest of Indian travellers, with over one in twenty planning trips specifically for theme park adventures.

Agoda's offerings, including over 4.5 million holiday properties, more than 130,000 flight routes, and over 300,000 activities, provide travellers with the flexibility to tailor their trips to their unique interests and preferences. For more information and to take advantage of the latest deals, visit Agoda.com or download the Agoda app.

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Marriott International Reports Third Quarter 2024 Results

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IHG Hotels & Resorts grows in Vietnam with Crowne Plaza Danang City Centre

IHG Hotels & Resorts (IHG), one of the world’s leading hotel companies, announces the signing of Crowne Plaza Danang City Centre under a management agreement with Regis Bay Vietnam Investment Joint-Stock Company.

Scheduled to open later this year, the 283-key property will help meet the growing demand for meetings and events in the city while offering guests a choice of rooms and suites with picturesque views of the Danang landscape or Han river.

Rebranded from the existing Bay Capital Danang Hotel, this quick conversion adds to IHG’s growing portfolio of Crowne Plaza hotels in Vietnam, joining properties including Crowne Plaza Phu Quoc Starbay and Crowne Plaza Vinh Yen City Centre. In South East Asia and around the world, the brand continues to deliver its signature blended travel experience, featuring spaces offering effortless flexibility and balance between work and life.

Chris Anklin, Senior Director, Development, South East Asia & Korea, IHG Hotels & Resorts said: “We are delighted to continue IHG’s growth in Vietnam by introducing Crowne Plaza Danang City Centre – our first project with Regis Bay Vietnam Investment Joint-Stock Company. Located in the heart of Danang, this outstanding hotel will cater to business and leisure guests by delivering exceptional experiences rooted in blended travel.

“This signing builds on the strong presence IHG has developed in Central Vietnam in recent years, which has included the successful opening of voco Ma Belle Danang. It’s the latest milestone for our business in the country and strengthens our offering in Central Vietnam by adding to our existing three hotels, featuring more than 1,000 rooms in total.

“There’s plenty more to come, too, as we double the size of our portfolio from 16 hotels to more than 40 in the next few years, introduce more brands and deliver more fantastic stay experiences for the region.”

As the commercial centre and transport hub of Central Vietnam, Danang aims to become a market leader for business travel in the Asia-Pacific region, which is forecast to be worth about USD$800 billion by 2027.

Rui Xiang Chin, Board Chairman, Regis Bay Vietnam Investment Joint-Stock Company said: “Thanks to its central location, ease of access and world-class facilities, we’re confident Crowne Plaza Danang City Centre will quickly become a hotel of choice for business and leisure travellers. Having seen IHG’s success in Danang, and its upcoming properties in Hoi An, we believe the company’s strong in-market experience, global systems and enterprise will prove invaluable to driving performance and returns on this property.

“We look forward to working with IHG to make Crowne Plaza Danang City Centre a huge success when it opens later this year – the first chapter of what we’re sure will be a long and prosperous long-term partnership between us.”

Danang, known as the ‘city of the sea’, is the fourth largest city in Vietnam. With its magnificent mountainous coastline and picturesque beaches, its calm, cool waters provide an idyllic setting for activities including fishing, water-skiing, diving, and yachting.

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Budget Quote From Mr. Sandeep Ahuja, MD, Atmosphere Living

"Although the IGR numbers for November 2024 are lower than those of the previous months, at approximately 9400 registrations generating  a revenue of +825 crore in stampduty , it is essential to note that the ticket size of the projects sold have increased sharply. The average ticket size has increased from around _80lacs in earlier months to around 1.25lacs  this November.".

This trend reflects a growing preference among buyers for larger, premium properties and realizes the evolving demand for space in response to lifestyle needs. Hence, as ticket size increases, it seems that the market is indeed insisting on quality real estate whereas transaction volume might be erratic. This shift underscores a positive long-term outlook for Mumbai's real estate sector as buyers opt for luxury and space in their property choices.


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Ingredient Ideology | The Healthy Tempeh For Good Health By: Dr. Kaviraj Khialani- Celebrity Master Chef.

The word Tempeh comes from Indonesia and has been known since quite some time however most of us have not yet tried and incorporated it into our favorite recipes in our kitchens, it is very obvious to have a doubtful thought process on the how’s? what’s? and what if not? when it comes to trying something new. The same thing happened with me as well when I found myself acquainted to tempeh but once it turned out to be a delight and burst of flavors in the form of a recipe it has now become an anytime welcome with a number of ways doing it and that is how this feature of sharing more about tempeh started.

Tempeh is actually a meatless source of rich protein, vegan in nature, healthy and nutritious for those who love plant based foods and enjoy experimenting with recipes which are not only colorful to the eyes but also tempting to the palate. Tempeh is made from fermented soy beans which are broken down by micro-organisms and is further compacted and pressed into cakes which have a nice texture, appealing color and a little chewy in texture with a little nutty in its taste.

Most tempeh in Indonesia is sold wrapped in banana leaves and are available in local markets, though in the united states and other places we have seen it being available in vacuum packed formats. Besides being packed and being a power house of proteins and nutrients tempeh is also a good source of essential vitamins and minerals but are a bit low in sodium and carbohydrate content.

“Tempeh is a wonderful vegetarian offering which can be used in a number of recipes from snacks to soups, main course to side dishes, a must try ingredient by all foodies to relish its flavors”! - Dr. Kaviraj Khialani- Celebrity Master Chef.

Health Benefits of Tempeh:

1. Tempeh is good to include in our diet since it is good for weight management and is an interesting option to add.

2. Tempeh also is known to aid in digestion in our body therefore it somehow plays an important role.

3. Tempeh is said to reduce inflammation in the body.

4. Tempeh is loaded with pro- biotics which is also good.

5. Tempeh is also a good source of fiber besides proteins.

6. Tempeh is also regarded as a heart healthy & brain healthy food.

7. Tempeh is said to reduce cholesterol levels in our body.

Culinary Uses of Tempeh in our Kitchens:

1. Tempeh being a soy based product is very much easy to adapt to into our very own indian cuisine. It can formulate itself into gravies, curries, crumbled up and stuffed into tikkis and more.

2. Tempeh is a good option to use in salads as it is also regarded good for weight loss it gives us a variety to make our salads more interesting and colorful as well. Combine it with various greens and crunchy ingredients and a choice of flavorful dressings.

3. Tempeh is a great filler for a sandwiches, wraps and roll concepts as well and can create a great mouth feel in between those two slices of assorted breads from vegan breads, almond meal breads, multi-grain breads, rye bread, herbed rolls etc with a variety of lettuce leaves and superfoods like avocados, tomatoes and a dash of herbs and seasonings.

4. Tempeh is also found in the popular Buddha bowl concept which is now featuring itself in many menu cards in Asian cuisine restaurants it is not only filling but has a number of elements to enjoy all in one bowl with a little bit of everything which makes it a complete one pot meal in itself.

5. Tempeh in soups and broths is also one of the better ways to incorporate it into suppers and light meals once in a while. Have a nice flavorful stock and a few veggies of your choice in it and with tempeh and a little seasoning and sauces it is ideal to enjoy a good bowl of nutri-balance.

6. Tempeh is also great to add to stir fry concepts and recipes.it is a good match to a number of exotic veggies like mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini, bell peppers, asparagus etc and with a little bit of celery, garlic, spring onions and stir fry sauce and a dash of chili and pepper it is good to go with.

7. Tempeh in baked dishes creates variety in our meals as well. Steam the cut tempeh pieces for around 10 mins and then marinate it with a choice of ingredients and sauces and place it into a baking dish with add ons and alternates to enhance the dish. Create layers in the baked dish with choice of plant based options and with some vegan cheese etc.

Here are a few Simple- Easy & Healthy Recipes with Tempeh:



Tempeh- 150 gms cut into cubes.

Veg stock- 500- 750 ml

Oil- 2 tbsp.

Salt and pepper to taste

Chili flakes- ½ tsp

Soy sauce- 1 tsp

Red chili sauce- 1 tsp

Garlic- 2-3 cloves, chopped

Onion-1 small, chopped.

Carrots- ¼ cup cut into cubes.

Celery- 2 tbsp. chopped

Mixed herbs/ fresh basil leaves- 2 tbsp.

Bayleaf-1 no

Green/yellow zucchini-1/2 cup cut into cubes.

Fresh parsley/micro-greens to garnish the soup- 2 tsp.


1. Heat 1 tbsp. oil in a sauce pan and add in the pieces of tempeh and saute it for a couple of minutes until golden browned, remove and keep aside.

2. In the same saucepan add in a little more oil and add in the Bayleaf, garlic, onion, celery, carrots and cook for 1-2 mins, add in the seasonings, herbs and chili flakes, sauces to taste.

3. Bring to a boil and add in the zucchini cut into med cubes and also add in the tempeh pieces, simmer for 10-12 mins until all veggies are just done right in texture.

4. Serve hot garnished with fresh herbs, micro-greens and a dash of crushed black pepper.



Tempeh- 150 gms cut into cubes.

For the marination:

Curd -1 cup

Lime juice-2 tsp

Cumin powder-1/2 tsp

Ginger-garlic paste-1 tsp

Garam masala powder-1/2 tsp

Salt to taste

Kasuri methi-1 tsp

Oil-1 tbsp.

Red chili powder-1/2 tsp.

For the sauce/gravy:

Oil-2 tbsp.

Onion- 2 medium chopped

Ginger-garlic-green chili paste-1 tsp

Red chili powder-1/2 tsp

Salt to taste

Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp

Tomato puree-1/4 cup

Coconut milk-1 cup

Green peas- ½ cup boiled

Coriander leaves- 2 tbsp. chopped


1. In a mixing bowl combine together the ingredients for the marination, add in the cut cubes of tempeh into the same and mix well, keep in the fridge for 45 mins.

2. Heat oil in a pan add in the onions, ginger-garlic-chili paste and saute them all well around 3-4 mins, add a little water if needed. Add in the powdered spices and salt and mix them all well.

3. Add in tomato puree, the marinated tempeh and stir well. Now also add in the coconut milk and green peas and mix well. Simmer and allow to cook for 20 mins.

4. Serve hot garnished with fresh coriander leaves.



Tempeh- 150 gms cut into cubes/fingers

Oil- 2 tbsp.

Ginger- 1 tsp chopped

Garlic- 1 tsp chopped

Green chili & red chilies- 2-3 each slit

Spring onions- 3-4 sliced

Red/green/yellow capsicums-1/2 cup cubes

Salt and pepper to taste

Red chili sauce-2 tsp

Soy sauce- 2 tsp

Sugar-1/2 tsp

Tomato ketchup-1 tbsp.

White sesame seeds- 1 tsp

White vinegar-1 tsp

Veg stock/water-1 cup

Corn flour and water solution-2 tbsp. to thicken up.

Spring onion greens-2 tbsp. chopped.


1. Cut the tempeh into cubes/fingers as desired and heat oil in a pan and slightly saute the tempeh for a couple of minutes, once slightly browned remove and keep aside.

2. In the same pan and a little more oil saute the ginger, garlic, chilies, onions and add in a little stock or water to prevent burning and to have a little sauce being formed.

3. Add in the salt, pepper, sauces to taste and bring it all to a boil, add in the peppers and the saute tempeh and allow to simmer for 2 mins.

4. Now add in the corn flour water solution and thicken the gravy and get it to a nice coating texture on the tempeh, check for seasonings, add in the vinegar and finally garnish with toasted white sesame seeds, the spring onion greens and serve hot as a snack/starter.



Tempeh-150 gms cut into slices

For the marination of tempeh:

Mustard paste-1 tsp

Olive oil-2-3 tbsp.

White vinegar/ balsamic vinegar- 2 tsp

Honey- 1 tbsp.

Peanut butter-2 tsp

Mixed herbs-1/2 tsp

Chili flakes-1/2 tsp

Soy sauce- 2 tsp

Red chili sauce- 2 tsp

 Sliced bread of your choice- 4-6 no.

Spread of your choice on the bread- mayo-mustard, cream cheese- herb spread, almond and mint butter, peanut butter and honey spread etc.

For the additions in the sandwich:

Assorted lettuce leaves- ½ cup fresh and crispy

Sliced tomatoes- 3-4 slices

Sliced cucumber- 4-5 sliced

Avocado slices- 4-5 no

Salt and crushed black pepper to taste

Vegan cheese/ cheese- as desired.

Accompany the sandwich with olives, pickled vegetables/chips etc.


1. Assemble all the ingredients for the sandwich with tempeh.

2. Steam the tempeh slices for 10 mins and remove, apply the marination and keep aside for 30 mins.

3. Heat 1 tbsp. oil on a grill pan/ non-stick pan and saute/grill the marinated tempeh for 2 mins on each side, remove and keep aside.

4. Arrange the slightly toasted slices of bread, apply the spread of your choice from simple butter to the varieties and place the lettuce leaves, tomato slices, cucumber slices, avocado etc add a little seasoning as needed.

5. Finally place the tempeh and close the sandwich and grill/ toast the sandwich as desired and serve hot with assorted dips and chips etc.

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Hyatt Regency Brand Pipeline Strengthened with Market Entry into Romania

Hyatt Hotels Corporation announced plans for scaled growth of the Hyatt Regency brand on the Balkan Peninsula. Following the brand’s market entries in Croatia and Albania, the latest project in Romania further strengthens the brand’s momentum in the region with five new Hyatt Regency hotels and resorts expected to open by 2027.

Hyatt Regency Aro Palace Brașov, which is being developed by Aro Palace S.A., will mark the brand’s entry into Romania. Brașov, located in the heart of the country, is a major economic hub and the base for various touristic attractions in the region. Originally opened in 1939 as the most luxurious hotel in the Transylvanian city, the iconic property will be fully refurbished and is expected to welcome guests, members and customers with up to 250 guestrooms in 2027.

“We are thrilled to bring the Hyatt Regency brand experience to this property in collaboration with Aro Palace S.A. The hotel has been an important part of Brașov’s history, and we look forward to the hotel serving the local community and foreign guests alike at this truly unique place,” said Takuya Aoyama, Vice President Development, Hyatt. “We are confident that the stunning medieval towns and breathtaking nature of Romania will capture the interest of our World of Hyatt members and lead to further growth for Hyatt brands in the country.”

“Joining the Hyatt network will provide Aro Palace Brașov with access to world-class expertise and resources, connecting us with millions of travelers globally. Working with Hyatt offers significant benefits for our guests, our team, and the Brașov community. Together with Hyatt, we are excited to build on our tradition of hospitality and achieve new levels of excellence,” said Attila Joós, CEO Aro Palace.

The Hyatt Regency brand extends an open invitation to guests and members worldwide, offering a diverse portfolio that spans from expansive resorts to dynamic urban centers. Rooted in an evolutionary spirit and a commitment to fostering community, Hyatt Regency hotels cater to both leisure and business travelers, creating spaces that invite connection, inspire relaxation, and deliver enriching experiences. Alongside Hyatt Regency Aro Palace Brașov (2027), Hyatt expects to add Hyatt Regency Zadar in Croatia (2025), Hyatt Regency Tirana in Albania (2026), Hyatt Regency Palase Resort & Spa in Albania (2027) and Hyatt Regency Novi Sad in Serbia (2027) strengthening Hyatt’s positioning in the region.

The anticipated growth builds on the brand’s EAME-wide portfolio with latest openings such as Hyatt Regency Pravets Resort in Bulgaria and Hyatt Regency Kotor Bay Resort in Montenegro, the first Hyatt Regency resort property in Europe, which opened in 2023.

Michel Morauw, the newly appointed Managing Director North, EAME, Hyatt said: “The pipeline in these markets is a core component of Hyatt’s growth ambitions in EAME. The expansion in this region with five Hyatt Regency properties in the next few years is indicative of our ambitious approach. Last year´s opening of the first Hyatt Regency resort and the successful rollout of our Inclusive Collection brands in Bulgaria demonstrate the future growth potential of our leisure and resort brand footprint along the Balkan Peninsula.” 

The announcement reflects Hyatt’s broader growth ambitions in EAME, building on a record year of deal signings in 2023 and the recently announced global acquisition of the brands and most of the affiliates of pioneering lifestyle company Standard International, parent company of The Standard and Bunkhouse Hotels brands. Hyatt’s global pipeline stands at more than 135,000 rooms as of September 30, 2024, and is supported by a strong regional pipeline, spanning Hyatt’s distinct brand collections.

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Renaissance Hotels Fuels Local Discovery on a Global Scale with the Debut Of ‘R FINDS’ Digital Marketplace

With a global presence spanning nearly 40 countries, Renaissance Hotels, part of Marriott Bonvoy’s distinguished portfolio of over 30 hotel brands, has embraced local discovery as its defining characteristic, connecting travelers with the vibrant spirit of neighborhoods worldwide. Each property reflects the unique culture and character of its surroundings through thoughtfully designed spaces, the guidance of Renaissance Navigators, and its annual Global Day of Discovery, a lively celebration of local businesses held at each of the brand’s 170+ properties around the world.

Today, on the 10th anniversary of Global Day of Discovery, Renaissance Hotels’ celebration of localism takes on new significance with the debut of R FINDS – a global digital marketplace celebrating and supporting local artisans, creators, and small businesses, and connecting travelers to the heart of the communities that Renaissance Hotels co-exist within. Beginning with 175+ products representing Renaissance Hotels’ 175+ properties across the globe, R FINDS is more than an online marketplace — it’s a cultural bridge that brings the soul of each property’s neighborhood to travelers everywhere, offering exclusive access to hidden gems and small businesses around the globe.

The new platform has been curated with the support of Renaissance Hotels’ Navigators, the brand’s onsite experts with deep-rooted connections to the community. Now, in addition to providing the best local discoveries for guests to savor, shop, sip and see, the Navigators’ expertise offers consumers an authentic way to discover and support the best - and often hidden - creative businesses in the neighborhoods they call home. From handcrafted goods and artisanal foods to bespoke home decor and wearable art, the array of products has been curated to embody the distinctive spirit of Renaissance neighborhoods. The commission-free marketplace empowers local artisans and entrepreneurs by providing them with global exposure without additional costs, directly benefiting the small businesses that fuel these communities.

“With the launch of R FINDS, we’re evolving Global Day of Discovery from a one-day celebration of localism to a platform that fosters meaningful connections year-round,” said Jennifer Connell, Vice President and Global Brand Leader of Premium Distinctive and Collection Brands at Marriott International. “This digital marketplace connects travelers instantly to unique makers from around the world, proving that our commitment to generating positive and sustained impact for our neighbors extends far beyond the walls of each hotel.”

Global retailers will include brands such as Amorío from Mexico, EIRA from India, Larimar from the Dominican Republic, Suraquia from Spain, and Mince from Thailand; along with US retailers like Chicago’s Sunday Standard, Ox & Pine Leather Goods from Texas, and Meyer the Hatter from New Orleans.

Additional highlights from the marketplace include fragrances, vintage posters, watches, jewelry, home goods, purses, and apparel, with products, such as the brand’s custom blended honey kit, to be added in early 2025. The honey kit will include unique tasting profiles representing three destinations, including Edisto Gold Honey from Charleston, South Carolina, Heaven’s Honey from Chicago and Manoa Honey & Mead from Wahiawa (Oahu), Hawaii. The kit will also include corresponding cocktail recipes curated from each nominating hotels’ Evenings Ritual program.

With an editorially driven approach, the site features curated content from Wallpaper* magazine and contributions from celebrity guest editors, such as James Beard Award-winning chef, artist, and advocate Sophia Roe, as well as other notable tastemakers. Through these collaborations, R Finds reinforces Renaissance’s commitment to daily discovery, offering thoughtful perspectives on the people, products, and stories that make each neighborhood unique.

“Arriving at a time of the year when countless small business owners that make up our vibrant communities are being recognized and supported, I’m honored to help craft, shape, and share the stories of local communities that connect to travel experiences,” said Sophia Roe. “R Finds is a natural platform for stories that reflect the commitment Renaissance Hotels has to making an authentic difference in local communities – and creating memorable, meaningful experiences for travelers.”

Renaissance Hotels worldwide will celebrate Global Day of Discovery today, November 19th, where each property will host immersive, community-focused events with the centerpiece of the celebration being the launch of R Finds. Connecting travelers and locals from all parts of the globe, Renaissance Hotels’ new platform not only honors its properties but also uplifts the people and communities that make each destination worth discovering.

To discover intriguing neighborhood finds from around the world all in one place or for more information on R Finds, visit www.R-Finds.com. To learn more about Renaissance Hotels, visit www.renhotels.com.

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IHG accelerates growth in Hokkaido as iconic The Windsor Hotel TOYA Resort & Spa joins Vignette Collection

IHG Hotels & Resorts (IHG), one of the world’s leading hotel companies, is proud to announce the signing of the iconic The Windsor Hotel TOYA Resort & Spa to its Vignette Collection brand – the second property in Japan for IHG’s newest luxury & lifestyle brand and first collection brand.

This strategic partnership with The Windsor Hotels International Co., Ltd., signals IHG’s entry into the renowned Lake Toya region of Hokkaido, the country’s second largest island – a prime destination for domestic and international travellers.

A traditional and prestigious landmark, the picturesque 386-key property – owned by the Meiji Shipping Group – will join as “The Windsor Hotel TOYA, Vignette Collection” in the coming months.

IHG’s Vignette Collection brand, known for its distinctive hotels that celebrate local culture and offer unique experiences, aligns perfectly with the property’s legacy and commitment to providing exceptional hospitality. Guests will enjoy its stunning location overlooking Lake Toya and range of world-class facilities, while appreciating its rich and storied history that dates back to 1993 and includes hosting the 34th G8 Summit.

Abhijay Sandilya, CEO, IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan, and Managing Director, IHG Hotels & Resorts Japan & Micronesia, said: "We are delighted to welcome The Windsor Hotel TOYA Resort & Spa to the IHG estate. This strengthens our presence in Hokkaido and further enhances the reputation of Vignette Collection, which features a set of proudly independent hotels with distinct outlooks and unique stories to tell that embody luxury in a different way. We are confident that the Windsor Hotel TOYA, Vignette Collection will deliver an even stronger performance and attract new guests through IHG’s powerful global enterprise systems, including our loyalty programme, IHG One Rewards.

“The transformation of The Windsor Hotel TOYA Resort & Spa is part of IHG's ongoing strategy to expand our portfolio of Luxury & Lifestyle hotels in key markets around the world. The Windsor Hotel TOYA, Vignette Collection will be the fifth IHG hotel in Hokkaido after three ANA Crowne Plaza properties in Sapporo, Kushiro and Chitose, and one ANA Holiday Inn hotel in Susukino. We’re also opening the first internationally branded luxury hotel in Sapporo, InterContinental Sapporo, in 2025. By partnering with highly respected owners, we continue to offer guests a diverse range of exceptional experiences in this wonderful country.”

The island of Hokkaido is an idyllic location renowned for its scenic beauty, hot springs and nature-focused activities such as fishing, hiking, and camping. Enjoying a unique mountaintop vantage point, The Windsor Hotel TOYA, Vignette Collection will be the only hotel to offer guests views of the Pacific Ocean and Lake Toya – a volcanic caldera lake located within Shikotsu-Toya National Park.

Featuring eight conference and meeting rooms, nine food and beverage outlets, three retail concessions, a wedding chapel, and health and recreation facilities comprising a gymnasium, salon and hot spring bath, the hotel will attract a diverse range of visitors, including leisure guests, business travellers, and MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) groups. IHG's global reach and IHG One Rewards loyalty programme will further enhance its appeal in domestic and international markets.

There are 13 Vignette Collection hotels (2,452 rooms) open around the world and 34 properties in the brand’s pipeline. The Windsor Hotel TOYA, Vignette Collection, will be IHG’s second Vignette Collection in Japan joining RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka which is already in IHG’s system.

Vignette Collection offers guests an inspiring new choice. A family of one-off hotels where visitors can indulge a growing passion for stays that are authentic, experiential and considerate. They share a commitment to a succinct set of standards that discerning guests seek out and love. Weaving responsibility, community and locality together, the collection exists to make a positive impact in every way.

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Teardrop Hotels Partners with Global Wellness Brand Vikasa

Teardrop Hotels is delighted to announce an exciting new partnership between their award-winning boutique hotel, Wallawwa, and globally recognised wellness brand, Vikasa. This collaboration brings a series of exclusive wellness experiences to guests seeking a rejuvenating escape during their Sri Lankan holiday.

Just 20 minutes from Colombo’s international airport, Wallawwa is a beautifully restored manor house, celebrated for its lush 200-year-old tropical gardens, rich history, and tranquil setting. Long a favourite for travellers seeking a peaceful retreat at the start or end of their Sri Lankan adventure, the partnership with Vikasa enhances the hotel’s wellness offerings, creating more opportunities for relaxation and self-care.

Founded by Kosta Miachin in Koh Samui, Thailand, Vikasa is renowned for its holistic approach to wellness, drawing on yoga, mindfulness, and nutrition, to cultivate inner peace and wellbeing.

Daily Classes and Group Sessions

As part of this partnership, Wallawwa now offers a series of signature Vikasa wellness experiences that can be enjoyed daily, even during shorter stays. Guests can participate in private or group sessions of ‘Vikasa Chill’ and ‘Vikasa Complete’ yoga, as well as Reiki, guided meditation, sound healing, gong baths, and Trataka sessions led by Vikasa’s expert Wellness Practitioner Evangeline Kehing.

Introducing ‘Begin’ and ‘Recharge’

For those seeking a deeper wellness experience, Wallawwa also hosts Vikasa’s signature programmes, ‘Begin’, and ‘Recharge’. According to Eva, ‘Begin’ is ideal for those new to yoga, or looking to expand their practice. The programme includes yoga, meditation, Reiki, sound bowl healing, and signature massage treatments. ‘Recharge’ focuses on optimising wellbeing through practical tools and practices that guests can incorporate into daily life.

Both programs are held in dedicated wellness spaces like the serene courtyard or spa, and include post-stay follow-ups and detailed workbooks, empowering participants to make informed decisions around their diet and lifestyle, even once they return home.

Teardrop Hotels Wellness x Vikasa: A Journey Inward

On the launch of the partnership, Kosta said, “Vikasa means evolution, and while our focus is on the personal evolution of our guests, we are equally invested in the growth of Vikasa itself. Partnering with aligned brands like Teardrop Hotels allows us to introduce Vikasa’s wellness practices to new audiences, giving travellers to Sri Lanka the opportunity to enrich their holidays with unique wellness offerings. We’re excited to bring a new dimension to the Teardrop experience.”

Henry Fitch, CEO of Teardrop Hotels, commented, “We are thrilled to join forces with Vikasa and bring their wellness expertise to Wallawwa. Our tranquil setting provides the perfect backdrop for guests to slow down and embrace wellness practices. Whether they’re exploring yoga for the first time, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a break from modern life, these offerings are designed to weave wellness into a traditional holiday, without the intensity of a full retreat.”

By combining Vikasa’s wellness expertise with Wallawwa’s tranquil environment, this partnership promises a transformative experience that rejuvenates body, mind, and spirit.

About Teardrop Hotels

Teardrop Hotels is a collection of 7 luxurious boutique properties across Sri Lanka, offering curated travel experiences with a focus on authentic cultural connections, personalised service, and a commitment to sustainability. Each property in the Teardrop portfolio is designed to reflect the unique character of its surroundings, providing travellers with memorable stays in some of Sri Lanka’s most stunning locations.

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IHG to bring the iconic InterContinental brand to Kodaikanal

IHG® Hotels & Resorts, one of the world’s leading hotel companies, has announced the signing of a management agreement with Adyar Gate Hotels to develop InterContinental Kodaikanal Resort. Slated to open in 2028, the resort marks an exciting new addition to IHG’s luxury portfolio in India and aligns with the group’s strategy to expand lifestyle and luxury brands in key leisure destinations across the country. This signing marks the debut of the InterContinental brand in Kodaikanal and the sixth (open and in the pipeline) in the country, following successful ventures in Chennai, Mumbai, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Delhi.

Perched at 7,200 feet, Kodaikanal is celebrated for its breathtaking landscapes, pleasant climate, and rich colonial heritage, making it one of South India’s most popular getaway destinations for high end leisure and corporate clientele. Known as the "Princess of Hills," Kodaikanal attracts a growing number of visitors each year from Tamil Nadu and nearby states like Karnataka, Telangana, and Maharashtra. The destination's allure lies not only in its scenic beauty but also in its outdoor activities, from trekking and boating owing to its consistently pleasant weather.

Once opened, InterContinental Kodaikanal Resort will feature 100 guest rooms with cottages, and a variety of luxury amenities to cater to both leisure and corporate guests. These include five dining options: All Day Dining, Specialty Restaurant, Lobby Lounge, Pool Bar, InterContinental Club Lounge, ensuring a delightful F&B experience for all guests. For guests looking to unwind and relax, the hotel will feature a pool, fitness centre and a spa. InterContinental Kodaikanal Resort will also feature two meeting spaces, including a ballroom catering to social gatherings and MICE opportunities.

Commenting on the signing, Sudeep Jain, Managing Director, South West Asia, IHG Hotels & Resorts said, “We are thrilled to partner with Adyar Gate Hotels to introduce the InterContinental brand to the enchanting destination of Kodaikanal, which also marks our second InterContinental branded hotel with them. With its unique blend of nature, heritage, and cultural richness, Kodaikanal has become a sought-after destination for discerning travelers seeking luxury and leisure escapes, making it an ideal location for our luxury portfolio expansion in India. We look forward to offering our guests a truly immersive experience in one of South India's most captivating hill stations.”

He added, “With travelers seeking quality accommodations in serene and picturesque destinations, the InterContinental Kodaikanal Resort will cater to the evolving preferences of our guests and is poised to set new benchmarks in the city for luxury and elevated hospitality experiences.”

Manish Goyal, Managing Director, Adyar Gate Hotels added, “We are pleased to collaborate again with IHG Hotels & Resorts to bring the InterContinental brand to Kodaikanal. Known as the world's first and largest luxury hotel brand, InterContinental is the perfect fit for Kodaikanal’s growing profile as a premier destination for affluent travelers from Karnataka, Telangana, Mumbai, Chennai and beyond. With the resort’s prime location, exceptional amenities, and IHG’s global standards, we are confident that InterContinental Kodaikanal Resort will redefine luxury hospitality in the region and become a preferred choice for travelers seeking a unique blend of elegance and breathtaking beauty’

IHG® currently has 46 hotels operating across five brands in India, including Six Senses, InterContinental Hotels and Resorts®, Crowne Plaza®, Holiday Inn Resort® and Holiday Inn Express®, and a strong pipeline of 58 hotels due to open in the next 3-5 years.

Vertical Garden Tower for Rosewood hotel

French architect Jean Nouvel has designed a lattice-covered tower to house guest rooms and residences at the Rosewood São Paulo resort, which features interiors by French designer Philippe Starck.

Pritzker Architecture Prize-winner Nouvel's 25-storey concrete Mata Atlantica Tower houses the majority of accommodation at the Rosewood São Paulo, which is located close to the major Avenida Paulista thoroughfare and many of the Brazilian city's important cultural institutions.

The tower steps inward gradually as it rises, creating spaces for large roof gardens as well as balconies for the 114 guest rooms and 100 private Rosewood Suites available for purchase inside.

Jean Nouvel's Mata Atlantica Tower is wrapped in wooden lattices that will eventually be covered in local plants. These gardens and the vertical timber screens that cover the building were planted as part of a biodiversity programme, which aims to repopulate the indigenous flora and fauna from the Mata Atlantica rainforest.

"Covered in wood and wrapped in generous nature, the vertical garden tower features 10,000 trees and rises 100 metres into the sky," said a statement from Rosewood.

This one of several recent Nouvel projects that heavily incorporate plants, including the Aquarela complex in Ecuador.


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