18 percent restaurants may not restart post lockdown

Key Take Away

Post COVID-19, it is estimated that 18 percent of single-unit restaurants are likely to shut down between May and July and another 12-15 percent of restaurants will be part of the second round of closure between September and December

As per the report, in the financial year 2019-20, the year that ended in March 2020, only 19% outlets delivered an EBITDA of 10% or more, "half of our universe was negative"

It is important to understand the income-pool that restaurants serve. Drive-Throughs are now a lifeline for fast-food chains.

For More information click below :


Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

Ready to serve: more than three quarters of hospitality businesses say they can reopen by 4 July

Key Take Away

More than three-quarters of restaurants, bars, and pubs will be ready to reopen by 4 July, according to the latest weekly Hospitality Leaders Poll by MCA Insight/HIM.

Only 16% of hospitality businesses think it will take longer than the four weeks between now and 4 July.

For More Information click below :


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Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

8 Job Search Strategies That Could Get You Your New Job

From personal and group messages, to our research from the COVID survey, a lot of people have lost their jobs. The survey says only 33% of those polled lost jobs, but a large percentage, 60% lost salaries too and may have moved from their place of work.

Eclat Hospitality Survey 2020

Eclat Hospitality Survey 2020

What to do now?

If you can, entrepreneurship can be a brilliant strategy. Building something when there is a downturn usually turns out to be a good decision. If you do want to, reach out to Vikas Mehra on +91 9041123434 and talk about the Eclat Network program.

However, not everyone wants to do something of their own. If a job, a career is what you aspire to and if you are looking to get back to that life, here are 8 strategies for your job search:

1. Reach out to the people you have worked with and who liked your work.

This has to be your first action. We will apply to random job posts too but that is much lower down the order. This is what you need to do:

  • First, sit, make a list of people you have worked with

  • Then circle all the people who liked your work. Not you, your work.

  • Then check their profiles on LinkedIn

  • Now strike off anyone who is looking for a job themselves

  • Send individualised emails/messages. Do not cut & copy, do not bcc, do not mass this step.

Dear Prabhjot,

Hi! We worked together at Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur. While I was in Housekeeping you always had a kind word to say and you encouraged me to work harder on my Front Office knowledge. Till recently I was the Rooms Division Manager at XXX. I have been laid off and I wanted to touch base with people who know that I can be an asset to any organization.

Please do let me know if you know of any opening for RMD, FOM or GM of a small property. I am open to movement and find myself ready to work harder.

If there is anything I can do for you, please do let me know.

Stay Safe

  • Follow up with calls. If one email could do the trick, that would be so easy. Call. These are people you knew once, you go back.

2. Ask the people in list 1, to give you references.

So you tried all your peeps, and none came through. It is a tough market. Maybe they genuinely don’t have a lead or job to offer. Ask them for a reference.

Say something like 'I understand you don’t have anything in your company, but could you share the name and connect details of 2/3 people? Maybe someone in HR that you know well outside your current company? Or a recruitment consultant you think could help? Any lead would be appreciated.'

Then call those people, but make sure it is a 'reference mention' call.

'Hi! Prabhjot Bedi gave me your reference and he was thought you would definitely be able to help me. I am looking for……'

3. Ask your own company.

This is probably going to sound insane but just stay with me here. Some brands have created in-house teams and retained outplacement service firms. You could also probably reach out to your current boss and HR and maybe play on the guilt factor. It wasn't them who terminated your contract, it was the corporate that made them do it. Remind them of that. Get them to make a few calls for you.

4. Sharpen The Resume; make the cover letter real.

I cannot overstate this. I have been receiving resumes that have a typo, errors in dates and even names of companies spelt wrong. You are unemployed, you have the time, why would you send out a resume that just makes you look bad? For what we think a resume should be, click here

5. Apply To Everything.

I am usually of the opinion that you should be selective about the opportunities you apply for and go after. Not all opportunities are created equal, but that advice is for when you are in a job and are looking for something better. Now that you are unemployed or staring at an uncertain future, you should apply for everything. The old adage is still true - it is easier to find a job when you have one.

6. Attend Virtual Conferences.
Let me save you the trouble of saying it out loud, yes, a lot of them are just a massive waste of time. Be that as it may, it is not about the quality of the discussion, but an in for you. Most of these will have decision-makers and you can actually ask them a question or maybe even get a direct connect. It's worth it. On one of these, someone actually asked one of the speakers to at least interview people since he had a lot of time too, and he agreed to interview him. Grab those connects.

7. Connect on Linkedin.

Ditch insta, Facebook, TikTok and everything else for a bit. If you have under 5K 1st level connections on LinkedIn, you are not working that network even a little bit. Did you know you can join up to 50 groups on Linkedin and then write to anyone in the group? or post on that group? How many groups are you a member of? I will do a deeper dive into how to max use Linkedin, but for now here are some things you can do:

  • send out 10 connection requests every day to industry folks, decision-makers. Write a quick note. p.s. start with people you might have worked with or known in real life.

  • ask for introductions. You can ask someone in your network for an introduction to a member you would like to connect with.

  • join 5 groups immediately.

  • comment on posts from industry leaders.

  • change your header to 'looking for XYZ position'.

8. Get your twin.

I wrote about it here and I think it is a killer strategy. Enrol a good friend, who has lost a job too and each of you makes a pinky swear to get the other a job. When we are helping someone else, our efforts are so much more, our asks bolder and our ability to handle negativity massive. Repeat all the steps, just this time, do it for her while she does it for you.

p.s. If you need any specific assistance for your situation, do not hesitate to reach out. This invitation is if you want to seak my assistance on any of these strategies or want to create a plan for yourself. For your job search, if you are from the hospitality industry, do reach out to us on apply@eclathospitality.com

Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

Will home-sharing and luxury hotels recover sooner after COVID-19?

Key Take Away

STR (Smith Travel Research), a leading data analytics provider for the lodging industry, conducted an opinion survey about travelers' attitudes towards different types of accommodation facilities based on their preference from the past experience. One assumption for such an analysis is that travelers tend to stick to the same kind of accommodation facility for their trips.

The short-term rental/vacation rental/self-catering segment appears to be least affected for post-pandemic travel. There was only an 8 percent-point change (29% vs. 37%) for the group who would travel less. 

For More Information



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Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

Cloud Kitchens — Top 10 mistakes that take your business down

Key Take Away

Foodtech startups have re-defined the food consumption of an average Indian customer. From gourmet to street foods delivered to our home by the innovative, algorithm-driven apps assigning a fleet of concierge delivery guys who pick up the food from several choices of restaurants, disrupting the food industry — both in organized and unorganized sectors.

One such advantage of this technology-driven delivery platform is the existence of Cloud kitchens or dark kitchens. 

The major reasons for the failure of these kitchens are:

1. Lack of Business vision

2. Huge leap in Aggregators commission

3. Too Many Players in the Same Segment

4. Pricing Factor

5. Zero Market Research

6. Lack of Consistency

7. Lack of Technology

8. Dependency on Unreliable Labour

9. Flawed Costing

10. Lack of Structure and Process

For more information visit :


Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

An artificial 'tongue' of gold to taste maple syrup

The new method—a kind of artificial tongue—is validated in a study published today in Analytical Methods, the journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, in the United Kingdom.

The "tongue" is a colorimetric test that detects changes in colour to show how a sample of maple syrup tastes. The result is visible to the naked eye in a matter of seconds and is useful to producers.

1,818 samples tested

The artificial tongue was validated by analyzing 1,818 samples of maple syrup from different regions of Quebec. The syrups that were analyzed represented the various known aromatic profiles and colours of syrup, from golden to dark brown.

"We designed the 'tongue' at the request of the Quebec Maple Syrup Producers to detect the presence of different flavour profiles," explained Simon Forest, the study's first author. "The tool takes into account the product's olfactory and taste properties."

Maple syrup has a molecular complexity similar to that of wine. Its taste is delicate, without bitterness, and it has a subtle aroma. During the production process, specialized human tasters are employed to judge which profile each batch fits into.

Red for the best, blue for the rest

The researchers compare the artificial tongue to a pH test for a swimming pool. You simply pour a few drops of syrup into the gold nanoparticle reagent and wait about 10 seconds.

If the result stays in the red spectrum, it has the characteristics of a premium quality syrup, the kind best loved by consumers and sold in grocery stores or exported.

If, on the other hand, the test turns blue, the syrup may have a flavour "defect", which may be treated as an industrial syrup for use in processing.

60 categories of taste

Caramelized, woody, green, smoked, salty, burnt—the taste of maple syrup has as many as 60 categories to fit into. Maple syrup is essentially a concentrated sugar solution of 66 per cent sucrose and 33 per cent water; the remaining one per cent of other compounds determines the taste.

Too much variation in temperature over a weekend, for instance, can greatly affect the taste profile of the product.

The artificial tongue developed at UdeM could someday be adapted for tasting wine or fruit juice, Masson said, as well as be useful in a number of other agrifood contexts.

"High-throughput plasmonic tongue using an aggregation assay and nonspecific interactions: classification of taste profiles in maple syrup," by Simon Forest et al, was published May 5, 2020 in Analytical Methods.

Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

International Tourist Numbers Could Fall 60-80% in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a 22% fall in international tourist arrivals during the first quarter of 2020, the latest data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) shows. According to the United Nations specialized agency, the crisis could lead to an annual decline of between 60% and 80% when compared with 2019 figures. This places millions of livelihoods at risk and threatens to roll back progress made in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Tourism has been hit hard, with millions of jobs at risk in one of the most labour-intensive sectors of the economy

Available data reported by destinations point to a 22% decline in arrivals in the first three months of the year, according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. Arrivals in March dropped sharply by 57% following the start of a lockdown in many countries, as well as the widespread introduction of travel restrictions and the closure of airports and national borders. This translates into a loss of 67 million international arrivals and about US$80 billion in receipts (exports from tourism).

Although Asia and the Pacific shows the highest impact in relative and absolute terms (-33 million arrivals), the impact in Europe, though lower in percentage, is quite high in volume (-22 million).

Prospects for the year have been downgraded several times since the outbreak and uncertainty continues to dominate. Current scenarios point to possible declines in arrivals of 58% to 78% for the year. These depend on the speed of containment and the duration of travel restrictions and shutdown of borders. The following scenarios for 2020 are based on three possible dates for the gradual opening up of international borders.

  • Scenario 1 (-58%) based on the gradual opening of international borders and easing of travel restrictions in early July

  • Scenario 2 (-70%) based on the gradual opening of international borders and easing of travel restrictions in early September

  • Scenario 3 (-78%) based on the gradual opening of international borders and easing of travel restrictions only in early December.

    Under these scenarios, the impact of the loss of demand in international travel could translate into:

  • Loss of 850 million to 1.1 billion international tourists

  • Loss of US$910 billion to US$1.2 trillion in export revenues from tourism

  • 100 to 120 million direct tourism jobs at risk

    This is by far the worst crisis that international tourism has faced since records began (1950). The impact will be felt to varying degrees in the different global regions and at overlapping times, with Asia and the Pacific expected to rebound first.

    Experts see recovery in 2021

    Domestic demand is expected to recover faster than international demand according to the UNWTO Panel of Experts survey. The majority expects to see signs of recovery by the final quarter of 2020 but mostly in 2021. Based on previous crises, leisure travel is expected to recover quicker, particularly travel for visiting friends and relatives, than business travel.

International tourist arrivals, 2019 and Q1 2020 (% change) International Tourism 2020 Scenarios

International tourist arrivals, 2019 and Q1 2020 (% change)

International Tourism 2020 Scenarios

International tourist arrivals in 2020: three scenarios (YoY monthly change, %)

International tourist arrivals in 2020: three scenarios (YoY monthly change, %)

When do you expect tourism demand in your destination will start to recover?

When do you expect tourism demand in your destination will start to recover?

Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

Web Traffic Shows Early Signs of Positive Trend Across All Regions

The latest edition of our bi-weekly Pulse Report published earlier today, providing hoteliers from around the world with a snapshot on key market metrics for April 6-19.

Providing an in-depth look at On the Books, New Bookings, Cancellations and Web Traffic data, the latest edition of the Report included the latest demand signals for Latin America as well as APAC, EMEA and North America.

The Duetto Team added the Latin American data to the report following suggestions from subscribers. LATAM has proved a vital new component to tracking the impact of COVID-19 on the hotel industry around the world.

"The data shows us LATAM still has a lot of confidence for the latter part of the year. There's a lot of bookings, especially for the latter part of the summer," Lofton remarks.

Pulse Report data for LATAM On The Books vs. STLY by Stay Month as of April 19th showed that travelers with bookings in Latin America continue to show a higher degree in confidence in stay dates from September 2020 onwards.

Weekly New Bookings vs. STLY by Stay Month for Latin America also showed a slightly positive year over year trend for bookings in 2021, with new bookings for stays between May and July.

New Reservations Provide Future Outlook

Also new to the Pulse Report this time is the addition of New Reservations data. This was added because the Pulse Report team wanted to be looking as much to the future as possible.

In APAC, the data for new bookings shows increased pace for Q2 2021. In EMEA a similar pattern can be seen, with an uplift in new reservations for May-July 2021. For North America, new bookings for 2020 continue to fall behind previous year figures, but new bookings for 2021 are exceeding pace.

Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

National Restaurant Association Releases COVID-19-Specific Guidance for Operation Reopening


world’s largest hospitality career emag

Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

Access Point Financial Launches “Navigating Hospitality Finance 2020” Information Resource for Hoteliers Facing Changing Market Conditions

 Access Point Financial, LLC (APF), a leading direct lender and specialty finance company focused exclusively on the hospitality industry, announced the debut of a new online resource entitled, "Navigating Hospitality Finance 2020," 

The informative four-part series is intended to help hotel owners and investors with an interest in hospitality to plan their best financial strategies during changing market conditions brought on by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic and its direct impacts on the hotel industry.

The informative four-part series is intended to help hotel owners and investors with an interest in hospitality to plan their best financial strategies during changing market conditions brought on by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic and its direct impacts on the hotel industry.

Hoteliers and investors have a lot to consider in developing effective short- and long-term financial strategies

To help our clients better assess their respective situations and navigate the recovery, our goal is to be a responsible partner and provide impactful resources and tools to ensure their ongoing success.

The first edition of the four-part "Navigating Hospitality Finance 2020" series explores the changes to terms and conditions that lenders have implemented during the crisis.

Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!

Hotel Stocks Experienced one of Their Worst Months on Record in March

The Baird/STR Hotel Stock Index dropped 36.0% in March to a level of 2,748. Year to date through the first three months of 2020, the stock index was down 47.9%.

“Hotel stocks experienced one of their worst months on record as investors contemplated worst-case liquidity scenarios for hotel companies driven by the COVID-19 demand shock and potential hotel closures,” said Michael Bellisario, senior hotel research analyst and director at Baird.

 “In the U.S., occupancy levels have fallen to unprecedented lows, and we are forecasting a 50.6% drop in RevPAR for the year. The industry will be positioned for recovery once concerns are abated, but there is obviously great uncertainty on when that time will come.”

March performance of the Baird/STR Hotel Stock Index posted greater declines than both the S&P 500 (-12.5%) and the MSCI US REIT Index (-22.2%). 

The Hotel Brand sub-index decreased 34.5% from February to 4,712, while the Hotel REIT sub-index declined 40.0% to 702.

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Hospemag Trainers Guild

Earn Extra Income by Sharing Your Hospitality Expertise!

Hospemag is launching an exciting new opportunity for hospitality experts like you to monetize your skills in your free time!

The Hospemag Trainers Guild is a side-hustle platform where you can offer flexible, on-demand training sessions to hotels, restaurants, hotel management institutes, and individuals looking to upskill.

  • ✅ Teach what you know best – F&B, Kitchen, Front Office, Housekeeping, Revenue Management, Engineering, Operations, Finance, Safety & Security, Health & Hygiene, and more!
  • ✅ Set your own schedule – Work at your convenience, online or in-person.
  • ✅ Get paid for your expertise – Turn your years of experience into extra income.

We’re inviting early adopters to be among the first trainers on the platform. No commitment required—just sign up to express interest and get exclusive early access!