Exclusive Interview | Dr Bhuvan.G.M, Principal, Apeejay Institute of Hospitality, Navi Mumbai

Hard work yields rewards, especially in an industry witnessing constant growth and a persistent demand for highly skilled and experienced hospitality professionals.
— Dr Bhuvan.G.M

Tell us about your journey. How did it all start?

I'm from Generation X, born in 1970’s, and grew up in Kolar Gold Fields (KGF), around 100 kilometres from Bangalore. I studied at Parkinson Memorial School and later at BEML High School because my father worked for BEML. During my formative years, I didn't know about the Hospitality Industry or courses in Hospitality Management.

After finishing my 12th standard, my parents wanted me to become an Engineer or a Dentist, but I wasn't keen in pure sciences and wanted something more practical. I also had a passion for cooking & travelling.

Incidentally, in 1991, Christ College, Bangalore, (now Christ University) started a 3-year Hotel Management Programme affiliated with Bangalore University. I applied, and with only 30 seats available, I went through a series of selection processes and secured admission. We belonged to their first batch. That’s where it all began.

During the course, I did my internship training with Taj Hotels and later worked with Sterling Holiday Resorts. Also, while studying hotel management, I worked with The Times of India as a part time Customer Relationship Executive to support my education.

Subsequently, while working at the hotels, I felt the need to further my education. I returned to Christ College Bangalore as a faculty member in the Department of Hotel Management. I pursued Masters in Tourism, PG in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, and MPhil in Tourism. I was later promoted to Head the Department of Hotel Management at Christ College, Bangalore.

In 2006, I joined the Apeejay Institute of Hospitality, Navi Mumbai, as a pre-opening team member & Principal to set up the Hospitality Institute. While in Navi Mumbai, I continued my education, completing Masters in Human Resources Management, Masters in Economics, and eventually a PhD in Management.

Looking back on my 30 years of experience, it's been a rewarding and fulfilling journey.

What do you think it takes to succeed in this Industry?

The hospitality industry revolves around prioritizing customer satisfaction without pause. Operating for 24/7, 365 days a year, it demands a substantial workforce due to its shift-based operations. Cultivating the appropriate hospitality mindset is paramount, alongside values such as integrity, respect, humility, commitment, sincerity, and loyalty. Consistency and patience are also essential traits to develop.

Hard work yields rewards, especially in an industry witnessing constant growth and a persistent demand for highly skilled and experienced hospitality professionals.

What according to you can trainees do while they are training at hotels to make it a win-win for them & the hotel/unit?

Internship trainees pursuing hotel management eagerly anticipate their internship training during their course. The Hospitality Institute coordinates this training with hotels. It is essential for the Institute to conduct an orientation program before the students join the Hospitality Industry for their internship. They need to be provided with a "What to Observe & Learn" checklist. Interns are required to maintain a logbook and prepare a training report at the end of their internship.

The Hospitality Industry should offer an enriching learning experience through the Learning & Development teams. The L&D Manager should ensure that interns are not overworked and meet with them at least once a week. The Unit General Manager must interact with interns once a month and inspire them to pursue a career in the Hospitality Industry. Interns should also be allowed to attend certain training programs conducted by the hotel for their team members.

The L&D Manager should ensure that interns gain exposure to all operational areas by creating a comprehensive training schedule that is meticulously followed.

What are some of the trends you see impacting the hospitality industry?

Several important trends are emerging in various domains. Generation Z are redefining their career aspirations, while exponential technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Internet of Things, and Big Data analytics are reshaping the hospitality sector. Additionally, there's a growing emphasis on organic food, farm-to-fork initiatives, and prioritizing health and wellness. Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing have become indispensable for business success. Post-COVID, strict hygiene protocols are paramount, particularly in the hospitality sector, which is also embracing sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

Two things you would like to change in the industry.

I believe it's important for Hospitality Institutes to attract more women to join their courses. Right now, the industry is mostly male-dominated, and having a better gender balance would be beneficial. The Hospitality industry should also support the Institutes by offering scholarships to deserving students.

Also, they could help improve the quality of education by getting involved in planning the curriculum and arranging training sessions with Industry experts for both students and faculty members.

There is a trend of HM students going abroad for Internships and Jobs. Have you seen this too? Why do you think this is? How can colleges safeguard the students' interests?

In recent years, there's been a noticeable trend among hospitality students. Many of them are traveling to countries like the USA, France, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Middle East for internships and job opportunities.

Additionally, these students often aim to pursue their Masters abroad. They hope to find better job prospects and settle down in these countries because of the higher pay, improved work-life balance, and overall better quality of life.

Hospitality institutes can encourage students to consider pursuing higher education in India. However, these institutes have limited influence over the decisions made by students and their parents. This is because the career aspirations of today's students are significantly different from those of previous generations.

The Indian hospitality industry salaries are not considered lucrative by today's graduates. What is your opinion on this? What should the minimum salary for an HM graduate be?

In my personal opinion, the success of a hospitality student depends on their individual capabilities such as skills, knowledge, attitude, and work ethics. Since the pandemic, salaries in the hospitality sector have risen due to a shortage of workers.

Prominent hotel brands offer management, executive, and supervisory training programs, with selected candidates receiving stipends ranging from Rs 25,000 to 35,000 per month. Additionally, retail sector are increasingly hiring hospitality graduates and providing competitive salaries. These are initial salaries and will increase after a few years of work experience. Hospitality students who demonstrate sincerity, diligence, and engagement in extracurricular activities tend to secure favourable employment opportunities. However, securing a job isn't solely dependent on having a degree; rather, it's about one's abilities and performance.