ITC Gardenia, Bengaluru has been accredited yet another distinction by the USGBC (United States Green Building Council), making it the third hotel in the world to achieve the LEED Zero Carbon Certification, after ITC Windsor, Bengaluru and ITC Grand Chola, Chennai.

ITC Hotels’ Responsible Luxury journey started at ITC Gardenia in 2009 when it was conferred the highest rating for green buildings in the world - the LEED India Platinum Rating. This recognition made it Asia’s first platinum rated hotel and is yet another manifestation of ITC's leadership in Sustainability Practices.

LEED Zero encourages a holistic approach for buildings and places, which will contribute to a regenerative future and demonstrates a deep commitment to implementing building and design strategies that assure an enhanced quality of life. 

ITC Gardenia is an inclusive blend of contemporary design and International Green Practices, a beacon in a bustling urban environment. The hotel has utilised innovation, cutting edge technology and design integration to earn new benchmarks in energy efficiency, water efficiency and zero carbon techniques, and is a model of environmental stewardship. A series of sustainable measures and practices were embraced to ensure that elements of nature were effectively harnessed at every level inside this luxury hotel. 

Manas V. Krishnamoorthy, General Manager, ITC Gardenia, added, “Following its philosophy of “Forward to Green. Back to Nature.”, ITC Gardenia exemplifies ITC's vision and is perhaps the perfect example of finding the common rhythm between man-made and natural environment. The LEED Zero carbon certification for ITC Gardenia is a matter of huge pride for us as our journey towards Responsible Luxury started with ITC Gardenia in 2009 when it was conferred the LEED Platinum certification. Guests staying at ITC Gardenia consume lesser carbon footprints, compared to any other hotel of this size. It is our humble attempt to educate them on not only being eco-friendly but also eco-responsible.”

ITC Hotels has pioneered several ground-breaking initiatives on environment, hotel ecosystem, health, and well-being. From LEED platinum ratings, to being one of the first chain to eliminate single use plastic free products, deployment of radiation harmonisers across the chain, farm to fork low carbon footprint cuisine, clean air and more. 

“ITC Gardenia’s LEED Zero [Energy, Water, Waste or Carbon] certification demonstrates a tremendous commitment to implementing building and design strategies that ultimately help improve quality of life for all” said Peter Templeton, president and CEO, USGBC. “LEED Zero was created to give the green building community a new standard to strive for and recognize the leadership of projects that 

have aspired to net zero goals. By prioritizing net zero [energy, water, waste or carbon], ITC Gardenia is pioneering a new way forward for the industry as a whole.”

For more than two decades, LEED has provided a framework for creating high performance green buildings and spaces and is an internationally recognized symbol of excellence. Building on that work, the U.S. Green Building Council has developed LEED Zero, a complement to LEED that verifies the achievement of net zero goals. LEED Zero represents a new level of achievement in green building that is not just attainable but is the goal of LEED certified projects around the world.

 (*LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) 

About ITC Hotels:

ITC Hotels is the largest chain of hotels in the World, which has maximum number of LEED Platinum Certified Properties (As on June 2020, as per USGBC).  Continuing with its Planet Positive Promise, ITC Hotels launched Sunya Aqua or zero-kilometre water in glass bottles across the chain over a decade back and have taken this lead further and pioneered the mitigation of single use plastic from its operations pan India. While ITC Windsor is the first hotel in the world to achieve LEED Zero Carbon Certification, ITC Grand Chola is the largest hotel in the world to achieve the LEED Zero Carbon Certification.  ITC Gardenia is the third hotel in world to receive the LEED Zero Carbon Certification.

About the U.S. Green Building Council 

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is committed to a healthy, resilient and equitable future for all through the development of green buildings, cities and communities. For more than 20 years, USGBC has been advancing green building practices through the development of LEED, the world’s most widely used green building program. With the support of thousands of members, volunteers and partners, USGBC provides robust green building education courses, a rigorous professional credentialing program, and advocates for effective public policies. It convenes an international network of green building and sustainability leaders through the annual Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, and forward thinking programs, including the Center for Green Schools. For more information, visit and connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.